Thursday, 31 May 2012

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

If a genie or a mad man came up to me right now and told me he was sending me into a deserted island and I could name one person to drag along with me, I would instantly reply with "Ali Larocque". She'd probably be mad at me once we got there, but she'd get over it! We'd spend our days drinking out of coconuts and making crude hammocks to laze about in. Bottom line is, I could be stuck with this girl for days or years on end and not run out of things to talk about or have the urge to kill her off.

That's the definition of friendship, right?

Anyways, Ali has just moved out for the first time with her boyfriend, Chad. She came up with the idea of being penpals, and of course being myself, I scoured the internet for creative ways to send her letters. Since I'm into scrapbooking I already have quite a bit of stationary on hand so it was quite easy to come up with. I stumbled upon mail art and artistic envelopes and fell in love.

Basically I just made a circle card with a small (striped, which reminded me of Beetlejuice!) envelope, I tied the envelope shut like a file folder using buttons with thread wrapped around them, then put holes on the edges and tied ribbon to close it. I'm still quite scared it won't make it, or might get wrecked. But bumps and bruises give it character!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Hello Dearies!


Hello, hello!

Recently my best friend moved out with her boyfriend for the first time, what started out as silly little letters back and forth kinda, sorta became an addiction. Now I try to come up with clever and odd ways to brighten her mailbox. I recently became a PostCrossing member, and hope to have my first postcards off soon! Join me as I come up with creative letters, stumble around looking for mail blogs/mal sites, printable freebies, inspiration and just all around amazing-ness.

So join me, it'll be fun I swear!